Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Successfully organized Marathon'12

So.. We pulled off the Marathon!!!! And Boy! we pulled it off well despite all the apprehensions and negativity surrounding it.We the members of Student Council would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the entire batch for the support.
It all started with the responsibility of the Marathon being entrusted upon us. A small team came to our rescue and we started building on the concept bit by bit from September onwards. I'd specially like to thank Karunesh, Saurabh Patel, Harendra Sahu, Kalpesh and Deepali for coming upfront to take up the challenge and  conceptualize & envision the entire event. The first big hurdle was to get sponsors for the event which we all know how difficult it is. This team worked day and night without losing any motivation to finalize the first few sponsors. There were some hiccups and many questions asked on the very existence of the event but the determination of the core team was not deterred and we could finally move ahead. 

Then came the herculean task of publicizing the event and I thank the publicity team for the efforts they made. Their work has been stupendous whether it was to convince the schools to participate or create a general awareness about the event.Thanks to the Design team that helped the PR for publicity of the event ; Josyula, Prabhakar Banerji and Abhishek Kesarwani. Special thanks to Prabhakar for his continued support till the end helping us make last minute changes.We are also grateful to  IRIC's support for approaching the corporate sponsorship , specially Prabhjot and Sanjeev . And not to mention the tireless efforts of Mukesh, Vijay, Prem, Pallav, Divyanshu and team to publicize the event locally and get mass registrations.

We also thank Saurabh Aggarwal for his efforts in publicizing the event and for getting us in touch with Sindhu sir (Coach MDU) without whom the event would not have been what it was.

Then started the preparations for the "D-DAY" .The entire batch supported us in making this event a grand success.The logistics team , specially Naveen,Tarun Sharma and Vivek Rokade worked tirelessly behind the scenes for the logistics support . The route Management team's effort in exploring the route and managing the event successfully is highly appreciated.The CEO's of the route Management were Tushar Rhode & Arun Salim. We would also like to thank the crowd Management Team , Arun Pillai and Manish Prakash .The Parking & Directions team , Shivam ,  Atif, Naresh and team did an excellent job . A big thanks to all the girls for helping in writing and distributing certificates . Kudos to the overall Event Coordinators Ankit Bajaj and Saurabh Patel (Mr Ticker ). A special thanks to Roy, Sharad and Atulya for handling 'Herbalife guy'. We also appreciate the contributions of AniruddhaChaterjee, Bhol, Anupam and Prashant for helping manage the event. The stage management team can not be forgotten which did a great job to make the event a great success.. Thanks Kshitij, Dhiraj, Aanchal, Shivhare, and team!! A special thanks to the Choir team as well.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Springfiled Model School in support of Marathon 2012

Thanks to Apurva Prabash and Deepali Thakur for all their initiative to support the Marathon 2012. They walked-in to the Springfield School in Model Town, Rohtak to invite the staff and students to participate in Marathon 2012 and support the Girl Child. They had interviewed Mrs.Vidhu, Principal of Springfield Model School on November 20, 2012. She said that the sex ratio of Haryana which is 873 as per the present statistics is further more abating and will go less in the future days. She quoted the reason that the present population thinks of girl as a long term expenditure and need to pay more money as Dowry for the girl to get married.
But she has quoted her views that in this present generation many of the developed countries doesn’t follow any gender discrimination and girls have occupied many jobs and many other major positions. She said that when India will be free of gender discrimination, when a girl in India is treated and respected equally, then India will definitely be one of the top developed countries and will be praised by the world.
I once again thank and congratulate Apurva Prabash and Deepali Thakur for all their effort and time.