Saturday, July 16, 2011


The "Social Development Initiative" at IIM Rohtak and the "SDP Cell" - 2 terms that will forever be etched in my memory as the way I first connected with PGP life at IIM Rohtak. Having submitted our names to the SDP Cell in the initial burst of enthusiasm, I and my team members were immersed in the labyrinthine thought process of choosing an NGO and perhaps more importantly, which facet of life did we wish to make an impact upon in the process. Finally, after much deliberations we zeroed in on "EARTH" NGO.

My team mate Akshay Jangra first contacted Mr. Ajay Godara, the Director of EARTH NGO and we finalized a meeting with him in the evening of 13/07/11. On the day of our meeting, as Akshay, Deepak Sachan and I were on our way to meet Mr. Ajay, I had my own trepidations mingled with mild consternation to deal with it- "What are we going to ask him, What are the ways we can get into a mutual, fruitful relationship" et al. We arrived at Chotu Ram Chowk around 6:30pm and went in to meet Mr. Ajay, each armed with a notepad, pen (and hopefully, a bagful of questions).

Mr. Ajay was quite a warm person and after the usual exchange of pleasantries, we ventured out with our queries, slow but steady. The NGO's primary objective is working at creating and developing Environmental Awareness. They have tied up with the Finnish mobile maker Nokia to collect unused mobiles and accessories in each and every school in Haryana, starting from Rohtak. These, in turn, will be sent to the Nokia plant for recycling and conversion of non-harmful waste material. To enhance participation, they will be giving away goodies to all those who come forth with some or the other mobile-related waste. They sought our cooperation in creating environment-awareness amongst the school children by preparing presentations which we have to deliver on the day the NGO visits a particular school's campus.

Furthermore, the NGO is in talks with the State Forest Department for undertaking plantation drives in and around Rohtak. In this regard, we sought their help in beautifying the hostel and administrative block of IIM Rohtak to which they have consented to. Further, we also discussed ways to make the IIM junta more responsible towards energy conservation in the campus and have come up with some novel methods to implement the same. I will be touching upon this aspect at a later point of time when something concrete and relevant is drawn up.

The NGO has taken up another initiative "ECO-KARMA", aiming at proper maintenance of livestock, proper domestic waste disposal methods, popularizing bicycle as a mode of short-distance transport and the consequent conservation of fuel and reduction of environmental pollution, reducing noise pollution by making the masses aware about unnecessary horn-honking et al. Mr. Ajay waxed eloquent on their plans and targets and further informed us that the NGO comprised almost entirely of part-timers who worked as employees in the morning hours and came in the afternoon and evening time to work for the NGO.

Hoping to successfully develop some of the much-discussed plans into action in the upcoming days and consequently, giving back something valuable and tangible to the society in general and Mother Earth in particular who has sustained and nurtured us right since our birth. Eagerly anticipating suggestions, queries and any help (if possible) from all of you and last but not the least, earnestly seeking your best of wishes ...


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